2022 SpaceSpeak with Fun Kids the UK's children's radio station
SpaceSpeak transmitted the voices of almost 1000 children into Space as part of a Guinness world record Radio Broadcast event!
Conor, Robyn, Bex, and Dan from Fun Kids!
Fun Kids is the UK's children's radio station and they're making history by sending a record-breaking radio programme to deep space.
They've been asking kids across the UK for submissions and have received thousands of responses from kids around the world.
On February 21st 2022, they're streaming a thirty minute radio programme to the stars in an event live from the Royal Observatory Greenwich with
a SpaceSpeak transmitter, setting the Guinness World Record for 'first radio programme sent to deep space' in the process!
See and listen to the actual transmission!
2021 SpaceSpeak Australia
SpaceSpeak welcomes Steven Chan as the founding member of our Australian Team!
Hi, I am a space enthusiast. My dream would be to one day travel in space. Unlike some of the other bios I have no formal training in astronomy.
While growing up in Mauritius, I would spend time building things. I studied IT for a couple of years but decided it wasn't the career for me.
While IT wasn't the career I stuck with, I still enjoy tinkering with computers, technology and I have an interest in flying aircraft. I moved to Australia
11 years ago and now work in pathology. Travelling in space might be an impossible dream for me, contributing to Spacespeak may be the next best thing.
Steven C
SpaceSpeak Phase II - S.T.E.M.
Indiegogo Campaign
Launching in 2022
We need your help to expand our service both in terms of transmitter power and features! Join us for Phase II and leave your mark on the Universe (literally!)
We'll have pictures and updates available here and on Facebook
YouTube videos -
Added new video Feb 25, 2021
Phase II of SpaceSpeak will include:
- SpaceSpeak Phase II will extend the existing SpaceSpeak messaging platform by adding a large network of community owned dual use micro transmitter / Linux computer combos
- The perfect S.T.E.M. kit for students and Space afficiendos of all ages
- Monthly Online updates
- Engage with people from around the world who are part of the SpaceSpeak STEM community
- Submit your own 'Best of Humanity' poetry, prose, photos, sound clips, and videos to be broadcast into Space
- Learn how your transmitter works from both an engineering and science perspective
- Learn to program IoT to control your Transmitter from anything connected to the world wide web
- (we are also designing a Transmitter Only option which plugs into an existing computer and which has all the same features as the larger STEM kit)
- Integrated Linux computer (Raspberry Pi 4)
- Integrated 2-5 GHz low bandwidth transmitter with a yagi antenna (low bandwidth transmissions have much better signal to noise ratios at large distances)
- Integrated distributed computingstrong>Einstein@home (use the CPU to analyze received signals from space)
- Integrated SpaceSpeak Active SETI (transmission of signals into space)
- Each transmitter joins our network of potentially thousands of micro transmitters where they combine to send messages into space, process signals from space
- Speak with community members from around the world
- VNC remote desktop support, you'll be able to customize your system remotely
- or connect a monitor and keyboard directly
- Space themed classic arcade games!
- Productivity software - open office word, spreadsheets, etc.
- We'll be adding a bunch of new features to the service including but not limited to:
- Broadcast toward your choice of star or constellation from our database of over 10,000 near by systems
- Broadcast toward your Zodiac or other constellation -
Demo page
- Broadcast toward stars with planets in the goldilocks' zone - where there just might be life!
- Register a name and photo with a particular star, supplies are limited. One registration per star allowed!
- Send a 24 hour repeating broadcast of your Cat or other pet - send us up to 20 pictures and we'll stream them for you
- We'll be adding a series of special broadcast events - Ted talks, plant and animal genomes sequences. You name it. The best that the planet has to offer
The campaign goals include funds to cover costs for a five year mission.
Video of beta tester PC/Transmitters

SpaceSpeak Personal Transmitter/Linux Computer prototype

SpaceSpeak Personal Transmitter/Linux Computer prototype
New Photos

*The white version is slightly translucent. Check out the YouTube video below to see the visual effect this allows us to incorporate.
...And YouTube videos
2019 SpaceSpeak Welcomes our Brazilian Team!
The SpaceSpeak Brazil team believes that SpaceSpeak is not just an interesting Social Media platform that allow us to send messages into space, but also a powerful tool for science communication between scientists, teachers, students, astronomers and curious people in general. After estabilishing a transmitter in the southern hemisphere of the Earth (localized at Florianópolis, Santa Catarina), we also translated the website to Brazilian Portuguese.
The goals of the Brazilian project team are broad, but we're going to focus mainly on science communication. In the next few months, we'd like to give lectures about the universe to primary schools and children in general, as well as allowing them use SpaceSpeak at the end of the lecture to send their own messages to space.
It's an honor for us to be part of this project and help in its future.
SpaceSpeak Brasil

Brazilian Team:
Fernando Paladini - Coordinator and Team Leader
Éverton Nascimento - Electric engineer
Silvio Cesar Paladini Junior - Responsible technician
Special Thanks:
Lucas Borguezan
Brendon Faccion
Greg de Sousa
Silvio Cesar Paladini
Elaine Maria Machri Paladini
2019 Mind Field Season 3 Episode 6 - How to Talk to Aliens
SpaceSpeak appears on episode 6 season 3 of YouTube Premium's Mind Field! Our segment, which appears near the end, was filmed in early Fall 2018 at the same location as Capt Kirk's battle with the Gorn in the original Star Trek series. Here's a link to the full episode on YouTube Premium.
for those who'd like to see how far his message has travelled, here's a link to Michael's message from the episode.
2018 San Diego Comic-Con
SpaceSpeak API 2.1 is used by History's Project Blue Book booth to allow visitors to send messages into space. We even brought along our new mobile transmitter.

Here's what the media had to say about the event